General terms & conditions
These General Conditions of sale apply to all orders placed under Ride Bike Style™ electric bike company, including Ride Bike Style brand itself and Michael Blast™. Ride Bike Style™ reserves the right to adapt or modify at any time these terms and conditions of sale. In case of modifications, all the changes will be applied on orders placed on that day.
Payment methods:
By credit cards (Master card, Visa, American Express) or by debit cards. Canadian dollars only. All orders must be fully paid before shipping of goods. Ride Bike Style™ reserves the right to refuse to make a delivery, ship or to honor an order from a consumer who has not fully paid a previous order or with whom a payment dispute is in progress. Ride Bike Style™ reserves the property of the goods until full payment of the invoice/dispute is in progress.
Prices are given as an indication, departure from are warehouse and subject to typographical error or calculation. Ride Bike Style™ reserves the right to change prices at any time without notice, but agrees to apply the current rates communicated to you at the time of your order.
Shipping time:
All announced deadlines are calculated working days, from Monday to Friday, from 9h to 17h. The shipping time is an average time that corresponds to the processing time, preparation and shipping of your order (out of the warehouse).
Ride Bike Style™ draws the attention of its friendly customers to the fact that our electric bike complies with Quebec regulations and the adaptation parts on these vehicles may also have characteristics that make their circulation prohibited on roads open to traffic, public or on the bike path.
Acceptance of these general conditions:
Any order implies the full and unconditional acceptance of these general conditions of sale.
Reproduction forbidden :
Any reproduction of the catalog or website of Ride Bike Style™, even partial, can not be done without the written consent of Ride Bike Style™. Offenders will be liable to prosecution.